Friday 31 May 2013

Home made Pizzas

We love Pizzas and more so when we make them ourselves...You can add what ever topping you want and as much as you want...and it's so rewarding!

Pizza Dough: 480g strong white flour
350ml warm water
2 tps white sugar
7g of dry yeast
1 tsp salt
3 tsp olive oil plus extra for greasing the pizza pans.

(recipe for two large pizzas)

Method: Combine the water with the yeast and the sugar in a small bowl. Allow to sit for about 5 mins. In a large mixing bowl, add the flour with the salt and olive oil. Then add the yeasty water, using your fingers or mixer with a dough hook, knead gently for 10 mins. Pace in a greased bowl and cover with cling film, leave to rise in a warm place for 1 hour. After the hour, punch the dough in the centre, remove and divide into two halves. Place each half in greased bowls again with cling film to cover and allow to rise for a further 30 mins in a warm place. Preheat oven to 220c, lightly grease the pizza pans with olive oil. To each dough, instead of rolling out, use your fingers to pat out the dough from the centre to the edge of the pan, the edges leave thicker. Pour the tomato sauce of your choice, I used fresh tomatoes cooked for an hour with oregano, sugar and seasoning. And then top with your desired toppings and cheese, Harvarti cheese and Mozzarella advised, but it's your choice! 

Thursday 30 May 2013

Cinnamon rolls

Heat 240ml of milk, add 65g of sugar, 1/2 tsp of salt, 75g of unsalted butter and a couple of drops of vanilla essence. Do not allow to boil, just enough to melt the ingredients.

Large mixing bowl, add 295g of plain flour with 7g of yeast. Then gradually add the warm liquid mix, whisk together. After add the 3 eggs one by one whisking after every egg added. Add the remaining 295 flour (more or less) to make the actual dough, may be sticky, turn onto a floured board and knead for a few minutes, adding a little more flour if needed.
Butter grease another bowl, place the dough inside and cover with cling film. Allow to rise for 2 hours in a warm place.

After 2 hours....Prepare the filling: In a blender or mixing bowl, add 160g brown sugar, 1 tbsp of ground cinnamon, 130g cold butter and 35g of plain flour. Blend well together to form a paste. Set aside.

Roll the dough out, leave about 1cm thick. Spread the filling on top, leaving edges free.

Carefully roll using your hands, not too tight or too loose.

After, trim both edges.

Start dividing from the centre and then halve that again, and so forth, should end up with 8 equal slices.

8 Equal slices

Place them into an oven proof dish (pyrex better) grease with butter and cover with cling film. Allow to rise for 45 mins in a warm place.

After 45 mins, they should have doubled in size. Remove cling film, brush the tops gently with some milk and then place in the oven for 35-40 middle shelf. If you see that after 35 mins, they are brown, but still needs a few more mins, cover with foil.

When baked, prepare icing glaze using milk, drizzle all over and allow to cool before separating them.

When cooled, use a sharp knife to separate the buns and then sieve some icing sugar on top to decorate. Enjoy!

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Empanadas Colombianas (Colombian Meat Pasties)

My partner Gio, has inspired me to cook south american food and having been to Miami various times, where the majority is latin american, I became obsessed with their food, however, I am lucky that in Spain, our neighbours, do accommodate those immigrants from south America with such foods, one being these pasties...

This recipe consists of 4 stages and a whole day off! But well worth it and any filling left can be stored in the freezer for another day and all you need to do is the 4th stage.

Can be eaten hot or cold, so its also ideal for packed lunches, snacks or as a starter.

In stages:

stage 1: To cook the meat for the filling:

Ingredients: A piece of stewing beef whole ie rump about the size a hand fist.
A piece of pork loin, about the same size. However, you can use chicken, or just beef, or just pork. Your choice.
1 onion, peeled and cut into quarters
1 tsp of cumin powder
1/4 tsp of saffron
3 garlic cloves, peeled and halved
1 chicken stock cube
S & P
1 large potato peeled and cubed. (for later stage)
saucepan with water for boiling.

Method: Add the beef, pork, onion, cumin, safron, stock, salt and pepper to the water and boil for approx 90 mins, or until the meat is soft enough to shred into strands.

Stage 2: To make the Hogao (refrito) it is part of the filling.

Ingredients: 2 tbsp of olive oil
2 spring onions finely chopped
5 large ripen tomatoes finely chopped
2 finely chopped garlic cloves
1/2 tsp cumin powder
1/4 tsp saffron powder
handful of fresh coriander, finely chopped for last.

Method: In a large frying pan or saucepan, add the oil, spring onions, tomatoes, garlic, cumin and saffron. Leave to cook on medium heat until the ingredients have blended together and becomes like a sauce. Approx 30-40 mins. Stir once in a while to prevent sticking to the bottom. Add the coriander herbs at the end and mix.

Stage 3: Finishing off the filling:-

Once the meat is cooked, remove from heat, drain and set aside to cool. Meanwhile, add the cubed potatoes into the same stock that the meat was cooked in, add a little more water if necessary and boil until soft, remove and then drain.

Once meat has cooled down, with your fingers, shred both the beef and pork into strands. Then add to the Hogao (refrito). Add the cooked potato cubes also, and mix well together. Set aside near by ready for stage 4.

Stage 4: Making the Empanada

Ingredients: Harina de Maiz (colombian corn meal) - Colombian corn meal sold in Carrefour. There is a yellow packet and a orange packet, you will need the ORANGE packet.

Hot boiling water (for every 4 cups of flour to 5 cups of water) This will make between 20-25 empanadas.

Veg oil for frying
Pinch of salt
Cling film
Rolling pin
Deep frying pan or deep fryer
Round glass or a cup, size of a cappuccino cup for cutting or a pastry cutter.
Large mixing bowl
3 plates
Grease proof paper

Method: In a large mixing bowl, add the flour and a pinch of salt. Add the hot boiling water and stir with a spoon until you cant stir no more, leave to cool down, as you use your hands to make the dough.

While it is cooling down, I prepare the work station to make the Empanadas.

Place a large long piece of cling film on your worktop. Prepare your frying pan with oil. Place your cup on the side ready for cutting. Rolling pin near by...3 plates, one covered with cling film (prevent uncooked empanadas sticking to the plate) 2nd plate, with grease proof paper for draining oil and 3rd plate for serving.

Here goes....Take a little dough mix and massage into a small round dough, size alittle bigger than a meatball, (any excess dough you have left after cutting can be added to the next one, nothing is wasted) Place on the top part of the cling film, then fold from bottom to top, to cover the ball dough, (cannot roll directly on the dough as it will stick!) roll using rolling pin over the cling film into a pancake like shape. (apprx 3rd of cm thick) Lift the cling film back, and then, add a spoonful of filling to the centre of the pancake like dough. Then, gently (do not touch the dough with your fingers) use the cling film from bottom to fold over again, to cover. Leave cling film, using a cup, and cut into size to make a half moon shape empanada. (Careful not to add too much filling, as you not want any coming out of the sides, as this will not close the empanada, and will make the hot oil for frying splash everywhere!)

Repeat process until you haven't any dough left.....any filling left can be stored into the freezer for another day.

Heat oil on medium-high e.g. no 7 on ceramic hob, when hot enough, i use a tiny piece of dough to check. Add the empanadas, pending on your size of fryer, or pan, i usually cook 3 at a time on both sides until golden brown or in one go in a deep fryer for a couple of mins.

Drain and then serve.

You can serve this with a spicy chilli sauce eg Aji sauce or a sauce similar to "Mojo Picon" bought already in mecadona. Or serve them with lime wedges.

If you find it difficult to understand, I will be taking step by step photos of stage 4 within the nx week or two.

Enjoy and good luck!

Torta de Acelgas (Spinach Pie)

This Dish is (I am proud to say) comes from Gibraltar and it is often eaten  all year round. But more so during Easter time. Eaten cold, so it is great for packed lunches and snacks.


Short crust pastry

For the filling:

Approx 500g of fresh cooked and drained spinach. (free from water)
3 garlic cloves very finely chopped
2 beaten eggs
40g of dried bread crumbs
1 1/2 tsp of dried marjoram
50g of grated Parmesan cheese
Salt & Pepper
2/3 whole hard boiled eggs (optional)
1 egg & milk wash for the pastry

You will need an oven proof non stick oven dish.

  1. Preheat your oven to 180c
  2. Grease your oven proof dish. Lay the bottom and sides with short crust pastry.
  3. In a large bowl, add all your ingredients (except for the hard boiled eggs) and mix well.
  4. Pour the mixture into the pastry lined dish. Place an whole hard boiled egg on each side and centre.
  5. Cover the top with short crust pastry. And brush with beaten egg and milk. Poke holes using a fork.
  6. Can decorate as you can see in my photo, was for my partner.
  7. Bottom shelf on 180c for approx 40 mins and then move to the middle shelf for another 20 mins.
  8. Test that it is done using a skewer and when it comes out dry, it is cooked through.
  9. Leave to cool before serving. Will keep well for 3 days at room temperature.

Let's Pork Out....with a slab of belly...


A slab of Pork belly & sea salt.

For the apple sauce: 

3 cooking apples
1 tbsp of brown sugar
1 generous knob of butter
1 tsp of mixed spice
50ml of beer, whichever beer you want. (Cidar is very good also)

Method: Preheat oven to 220c. Wash skin and pat dry, leave in fridge to dry out for at least 20 mins. Then using a very sharp knife, score the skin diagonally, but do not go into the meat. Rub some sea salt and massage into the skin well. Place onto a rack on top of an oven dish, middle shelf. Leave on 220c for the first 30 mins, then lower the temperature to 180c for about 3 hours, or until you see that the skin in crispy and the pork is cooked throughout. Once done, leave to stand for at least 10 mins before cutting. For the apple sauce: Peel and chop your apples, place into a saucepan, add a knob of butter and a tbsp of sugar, medium heat, when the apple starts to caramelise, add 1 tsp of mix spice and the beer/lager. Keep on simmer, until the liquid evaporates and the apples become soft. Serve the pork belly on top of or with the apple sauce.....DONE ;)

Salmon & Asparagus with Lemon & Thyme sauce


Salmon Fillet
Fresh Asparagus

For the sauce: 

75g Butter
2 small shallots
100ml white wine 
2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
Rind of 1 Lemon
120ml cooking cream

In a frying pan or grill, cook the asparagus with a knob of butter, turning occasionally. Then, on the same grill pan, add another knob of butter and grill the Salmon, starting with the skin, season with salt. When done, leave in oven on very low heat just enough to keep warm. To make the sauce: In a saucepan, add the butter, and the shallots finely chopped, sweat until the onions are soft. Then add the wine, lemon juice and the rind, simmer for another couple of minutes. Add the cream and stir constantly until it thickens. Season with Fresh or dried thyme, salt & pepper. Pour the sauce into a sauce boat or sauciere, using a sieve and leaving behind the onions, keeping the smooth sauce. Serve immediately with your salmon and asparagus.

Banana Chocolate chip Mini Muffins

Banana Chocolate chip mini muffins


190g Plain Flour
150g Caster sugar
2 large ripen bananas or 3 small ones
1 large egg beaten 
110g melted unsalted butter
60ml of milk whole or semi
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 salt
1 tsp vanilla essence
120g 70% dark chocolate smashed into pieces, or you can use chocolate chips


1. Preheat oven 10 180c and prepare your tray with the muffin cases.
2. In a blender or mix bowl, mix together the bananas, egg, melted butter, milk and vanilla essence.
2. In a separate bowl mix together the dry ingredients, flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. 
3. Add the liquid mix to the dry mix and mix well, taking care not to over do it, to avoid air getting into the mixture.
4. Add the chocolate pieces into the mix.   Then pour mixture into the cases, filling 3/4 way.   Place in the oven for 30 mins.   Poke sweker to see if it has cooked way thru, should come out clean and chocolate melted.   Leave to cool on cooling rack.

Done. :)

My Peppered Steak

 Pepper sauce best served with Fillet steak and Sirloin.

Ingredients: 200ml single cream (I personally use the Nata para cocina that comes in a pack of 3 from mecadona, as its gluten free and its great for sauces and soups)
Butter for frying steak and adding to sauce (appx 2 tbsp)
A splash of brandy
fresh peppercorn grinded
Appx 5-10 whole black pepper corns, (use as much or as little as you want)

When I fry my steak, fillet or sirloin, I fry it with some butter, enough to camalise on both sides then I leave in the oven, and depending on how well you want your steak, you adjust the temp for a few minutes while you make the sauce, which only takes 2 mins.

Using the same frying pan that you cooked the steak in, turn the heat up and add a splash of brandy. This will lift all the meat residue from the bottom of the pan. Turn the heat back down, and then add the cream, freshly milled pepper and the whole pepper corns. Add salt to taste. Stir and then bring out your steak from the oven, and any liquid that has come out onto the tray or dish , you pour into the sauce. Add a small knob of butter, stir and serve immediately.

Albondigas en Salsa de Almendras (Meatballs in Almond sauce)

Albondigas en salsa de Almendras (Meatballs in Amond sauce)

Ingredients for the meatballs: 

1 kilo of Minced beef or 1/2 kilo de beef & 1/2 kilo of minced pork
1 slice of white bread, without crust
100g grated Edam cheese
2 garlic cloves finely chopped or mashed with garlic crusher
1 tbsp of dried or freshly chopped Oregano
2 beaten eggs
Salt & Pepper
Plain flour for coating
Oil for frying and sealing

Ingredients for the Salsa de Almendras  (Almond sauce)

1 1/2 slices of white sliced bread without crust
100g peeled raw whole Almonds
3 peeled garlic cloves
150ml of Vino dulce de Malaga or sweet Sherry (also very good is Pedro Ximenez)
2 bay leaves
1 whole clove
6-10 whole black peppercorns
1/2 pkt of Saffron or A few fresh strands
Hot boiling water
Olive oil

Lets make the meatballs first:

1. On a plate, lay the slices of bread and pour a little milk over, enough to soak through, leave to the side for a moment. Then in a large mixing bowl, add the minced meat, oregano, grated cheese, garlic, beaten eggs and season well with salt and pepper. Get the soaked bread slices and squeeze the milk out. Crumble into the meatball mix. (This will give the meatball a moist texture, rather to using dry breadcrumbs which can make the meatball dry and hard) Mix well, using your hands and fingers. Leave aside for a few minutes to Absorb all the flavours.

Next, to prepare the salsa:

In a frying pan with 2 tbsp of olive oil, add the slices of bread, whole garlic cloves and the almonds. Fry gently, enough to toast, not burn. Then put all into a blender and blend well, add the Vino dulce (sherry) into the blender, blend again until the mix becomes a paste. Pour the paste into a large pan, add a cup of water for now, mix and keep on a low simmer. Add the bay leaves, clove, saffron and season well with salt.

Going back to the meatball mix: Prepare yourself

1 dish for flouring
1 dish for the meatballs waiting to be fried
1 dish for the fried meatballs

Make the meatball, toss in flour, coat, remove excess flour and fry in half veg oil and half olive oil, do not deep fry, but shallow fry, turning the meatball over each side until brown and seared. Put onto a plate, ready to go into the salsa. Once you have done all of them, put them into the salsa gently and add hot boiling water, enough to cover, don't worry, the salsa will thicken.
Cook for about 1 hour and 30 minutes, on medium low heat, stirring occasionally, making sure that there aren't any meatball/s sticking to the base.

Serve with potato chips, mash or rice. Que approvechen ;)

If reheating the next day and the sauce is too thick, add a tiny bit of hot water to loosen, heat on low a temperature.

Fillet Steak With Mushroom & Blue cheese sauce

I had left over blue cheese from a previous recipe and I didn't want any to go to waste and as we had planned to have a steak, I thought of this sauce and it was a winner at home.



2 Fillet steaks (3 fingers thick)
Salt & pepper for steak seasoning

For the sauce:

2 shallots finely chopped
1 garlic clove finely chopped
3 large Portobello mushrooms finely sliced (you can use any mushrooms, button mushrooms are good too)
1 tsp of thyme
75ml of beef stock
blue cheese crumbled, the quantity at your discretion, as to how strong you would like your sauce to be, personally, I added about half a cup.


  1.  Preheat oven to 150c  Place an oven proof dish ready for the steaks.
  2. Season the steaks with rock salt and freshly grind of pepper on both sides.
  3. Heat frying pan with a knob of good quality butter, and when the butter has melted, and the frying pan is hot, place the steaks carefully. A good sizzling sound should be heard. Cook on both sides to caramelise, to produce that nutty flavour on the steaks. About 2-3 mins on each side, depending on how well you want you steaks. Place your steaks on the oven proof dish into the preheated oven.
  4. Meanwhile, add another knob of butter in the same frying pan that you cooked your steaks. Add your onions and sauté until soft. When soft, add the chopped garlic and mushrooms, on low heat, sauté your mushrooms for about 5 mins, until soft.
  5. Add a splash or two of your best brandy, this will lift all the steak residue and help towards your sauce. Cook for a few mins, then add your stock. Simmer for a few minutes more until it has reduced and thickened. Add your crumbled blue cheese and stir until it has melted. Remove from the heat immediately and serve hot with your steaks.    Enjoy :)