Friday 31 May 2013

Home made Pizzas

We love Pizzas and more so when we make them ourselves...You can add what ever topping you want and as much as you want...and it's so rewarding!

Pizza Dough: 480g strong white flour
350ml warm water
2 tps white sugar
7g of dry yeast
1 tsp salt
3 tsp olive oil plus extra for greasing the pizza pans.

(recipe for two large pizzas)

Method: Combine the water with the yeast and the sugar in a small bowl. Allow to sit for about 5 mins. In a large mixing bowl, add the flour with the salt and olive oil. Then add the yeasty water, using your fingers or mixer with a dough hook, knead gently for 10 mins. Pace in a greased bowl and cover with cling film, leave to rise in a warm place for 1 hour. After the hour, punch the dough in the centre, remove and divide into two halves. Place each half in greased bowls again with cling film to cover and allow to rise for a further 30 mins in a warm place. Preheat oven to 220c, lightly grease the pizza pans with olive oil. To each dough, instead of rolling out, use your fingers to pat out the dough from the centre to the edge of the pan, the edges leave thicker. Pour the tomato sauce of your choice, I used fresh tomatoes cooked for an hour with oregano, sugar and seasoning. And then top with your desired toppings and cheese, Harvarti cheese and Mozzarella advised, but it's your choice! 

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