Wednesday 29 May 2013

Empanadas Colombianas (Colombian Meat Pasties)

My partner Gio, has inspired me to cook south american food and having been to Miami various times, where the majority is latin american, I became obsessed with their food, however, I am lucky that in Spain, our neighbours, do accommodate those immigrants from south America with such foods, one being these pasties...

This recipe consists of 4 stages and a whole day off! But well worth it and any filling left can be stored in the freezer for another day and all you need to do is the 4th stage.

Can be eaten hot or cold, so its also ideal for packed lunches, snacks or as a starter.

In stages:

stage 1: To cook the meat for the filling:

Ingredients: A piece of stewing beef whole ie rump about the size a hand fist.
A piece of pork loin, about the same size. However, you can use chicken, or just beef, or just pork. Your choice.
1 onion, peeled and cut into quarters
1 tsp of cumin powder
1/4 tsp of saffron
3 garlic cloves, peeled and halved
1 chicken stock cube
S & P
1 large potato peeled and cubed. (for later stage)
saucepan with water for boiling.

Method: Add the beef, pork, onion, cumin, safron, stock, salt and pepper to the water and boil for approx 90 mins, or until the meat is soft enough to shred into strands.

Stage 2: To make the Hogao (refrito) it is part of the filling.

Ingredients: 2 tbsp of olive oil
2 spring onions finely chopped
5 large ripen tomatoes finely chopped
2 finely chopped garlic cloves
1/2 tsp cumin powder
1/4 tsp saffron powder
handful of fresh coriander, finely chopped for last.

Method: In a large frying pan or saucepan, add the oil, spring onions, tomatoes, garlic, cumin and saffron. Leave to cook on medium heat until the ingredients have blended together and becomes like a sauce. Approx 30-40 mins. Stir once in a while to prevent sticking to the bottom. Add the coriander herbs at the end and mix.

Stage 3: Finishing off the filling:-

Once the meat is cooked, remove from heat, drain and set aside to cool. Meanwhile, add the cubed potatoes into the same stock that the meat was cooked in, add a little more water if necessary and boil until soft, remove and then drain.

Once meat has cooled down, with your fingers, shred both the beef and pork into strands. Then add to the Hogao (refrito). Add the cooked potato cubes also, and mix well together. Set aside near by ready for stage 4.

Stage 4: Making the Empanada

Ingredients: Harina de Maiz (colombian corn meal) - Colombian corn meal sold in Carrefour. There is a yellow packet and a orange packet, you will need the ORANGE packet.

Hot boiling water (for every 4 cups of flour to 5 cups of water) This will make between 20-25 empanadas.

Veg oil for frying
Pinch of salt
Cling film
Rolling pin
Deep frying pan or deep fryer
Round glass or a cup, size of a cappuccino cup for cutting or a pastry cutter.
Large mixing bowl
3 plates
Grease proof paper

Method: In a large mixing bowl, add the flour and a pinch of salt. Add the hot boiling water and stir with a spoon until you cant stir no more, leave to cool down, as you use your hands to make the dough.

While it is cooling down, I prepare the work station to make the Empanadas.

Place a large long piece of cling film on your worktop. Prepare your frying pan with oil. Place your cup on the side ready for cutting. Rolling pin near by...3 plates, one covered with cling film (prevent uncooked empanadas sticking to the plate) 2nd plate, with grease proof paper for draining oil and 3rd plate for serving.

Here goes....Take a little dough mix and massage into a small round dough, size alittle bigger than a meatball, (any excess dough you have left after cutting can be added to the next one, nothing is wasted) Place on the top part of the cling film, then fold from bottom to top, to cover the ball dough, (cannot roll directly on the dough as it will stick!) roll using rolling pin over the cling film into a pancake like shape. (apprx 3rd of cm thick) Lift the cling film back, and then, add a spoonful of filling to the centre of the pancake like dough. Then, gently (do not touch the dough with your fingers) use the cling film from bottom to fold over again, to cover. Leave cling film, using a cup, and cut into size to make a half moon shape empanada. (Careful not to add too much filling, as you not want any coming out of the sides, as this will not close the empanada, and will make the hot oil for frying splash everywhere!)

Repeat process until you haven't any dough left.....any filling left can be stored into the freezer for another day.

Heat oil on medium-high e.g. no 7 on ceramic hob, when hot enough, i use a tiny piece of dough to check. Add the empanadas, pending on your size of fryer, or pan, i usually cook 3 at a time on both sides until golden brown or in one go in a deep fryer for a couple of mins.

Drain and then serve.

You can serve this with a spicy chilli sauce eg Aji sauce or a sauce similar to "Mojo Picon" bought already in mecadona. Or serve them with lime wedges.

If you find it difficult to understand, I will be taking step by step photos of stage 4 within the nx week or two.

Enjoy and good luck!

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