Thursday 20 June 2013

Chicken & Cashew Nut Stir fry

Chicken cashew

This dish my family goes crazy over! Recipe on Facebook "Our Epicurean Delights"

Croquettas de Jamon Serrano (Spanish ham croquettes made with bechamel)

Spanish Cuisine - spanish ham croquetes

Recipe on Facebook "Our Epicurean Delights"

Join for free as member for all our international recipes from Gibraltar.

South American Arepa con Ropa Vieja (Shredded Beef )

Follow us on Facebook for all our recipes for free:

"Our Epicurean Delights"

Rocket Pesto with Spaghetti

Recipe: "Our Epicurean Delights" Facebook

Join for free


Lasagne Rolls (Pasta homemade)

Recipe and illustrated step by step guide Please go to Facebook "Our Epicurean Delights" and join for free.

Kim :)

Breaded Chicken (Pollo Empanados)

Gibraltar Cuisine

Local tradition here in Gibraltar, especially during the summer time. Most of us would make this to take to the beach and have lunch there.

Recipe: on Facebook "Our Epicurean Delights"

Vegetarian Harira Soup (Moroccan Cuisine)

From "Our Epicurean Delights"
For recipe please join My site on Facebook :

Fresh Pineapple Sorbet (without ice-cream maker)


Facebook "Our Epicurean Delights"

Thai Salmon Fish Cakes with sweet chilli sauce

Thai Salmon cakes with sweet chilli sauce....

Recipe on "Epicurean Delights" Facebook:

Pastel de Carne con Tortilla de Patata

Pastel de carne con tortilla de patata

This dish originated from Argentina, and it was my cousin LuAnne who introduced  me to this recipe. Great to eat hot or cold. For recipe please go to the following link Facebook :

Facebook Site "Our Epicurean Delights"

To view all of my recipes, please join my site "Our Epicurean delights" on Facebook

It has all my recipes and my cousins Lu-anne, we would love to have you there!

Kim :)

Thursday 6 June 2013

Beef Fajitas

Tex-Mex Beef Fajitas with Guacamole salsa & Pico de Gallo

For the beef Fajitas

3 trays of sliced (1 finger thick) of Rump Steaks (Morrisons) cut Juliana
2 tsps of Cayenne Pepper
1 1/2 tsp of Chili flakes
sea salt and pepper
1/2 medium onion sliced Juliana
Drizzle of olive oil

Green pepper, Yellow bell pepper and red bell pepper, sliced juliana, seasoned and drizzled with olive oil, set aside.  Cook separately to the beef on a hot plate or grill.  Same for the beef just before serving.

Mix all and allow the ingredients to marinate for at least 2 hours, ideally, overnight.

For the Pico de Gallo (Tomato Salsa Dip)

1 bulb od Spring Onion, finely chopped
6-7 Ripen Vine Tomatoes finely chopped
Handful of fresh Coriander leaves, finely chopped
3 drops of Tobasco sauce
1 tsp Cayenne Pepper or Chili Flakes
1/2 juice of a Lime
Salt to season.

Mix all or blend. Season to taste and pour into serving dish. Use for the Fajitas and for dipping with lightly salted tortilla chips.

For the Guacamole

2 Ripen Avocados, mashed.
Add 2 Tomatoes ripen, finely chopped
1/4 of a Bulb of spring onion, finely chopped
Small bunch of fresh Coriander, finely chopped
1/2 Juice of a Fresh Lime
Season to taste with salt.

(When I Make the Pico de Gallo, before I season it with spices, I leave aside a small quantity to add to the Mashed Avocado mix in order to make the Guacamole)

Serve all with Tortilla wraps, Sour cream and grated cheese if you want. 

Enjoy x

Cream of Tomato soup served parmesan chips


For the Tomato Soup:

8-10 whole fresh plum tomatoes
2 tins of whole Plum tomatoes
1 onion chopped
1 garlic, chopped
1 bay leaf
1 small bunch of fresh basil
1 splash of Worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp of concentrated tomato paste
1 pint of chicken stock
olive oil 
salt & pepper

For the Parmesan Cheese crisps:

Fresh block of Parmesan cheese, grated.
1 non stick frying pan or non stick tray with greaseproof paper for the oven.

Use plum tomatoes, cut in half, face down, drizzle with some olive oil and season with salt. Place in the oven for about 20 mins on 200c

Add the bay leaf, and a small bunch of fresh basil leaf, 1 tbsp of concentrated tomato paste, 1 splash of Worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper. Continue to simmer for a further 20 mins on medium.

next step, remove the bay leaf and the basil and using a hand blender, blend everything. Then pass the soup through a sieve, this will keep the tomato skins out and the seeds. It will also give the soup a nice creamy texture.

Pour the soup back into the large pan and add 200ml of cooking cream (single), stir well. Season some more according to your liking. Keep on very low heat until serving.

To make the parmesan crisps, all you need is freshly grated parmesan, sprinkle a good handful onto a non stick frying pan (you could bake as well, on greaseproof paper for about 7 mins) Heat pan on about 7, quite high...When you see the parmesan starting to bubble and colour, remove from the heat and allow to cool for a few minutes.

When it has cooled down, use a spatula to lift the large crisp onto a chopping board, and then you can cut into what ever shape you want for serving. You can also mould onto a cup and make cups out of them.

Tomato Soup served with Parmesan Chips.....Enjoy x

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Serranito Roll...

 Serranitos are one of my favourite Tapas from Spain, it usually served in bread with a slice of pork loin, fried green pepper and a slice of Serrano ham. Some places add a slice of tomato as well.   I came up with this idea because I am on a diet and wanted to make it in a way that isn't so high in calories or fat but tastes just the same.

1 whole Pork loin
1 pkt of panchetta bacon
2-3 long green peppers
olive oil
Salt & pepper

you will need:
string suitable for cooking with
large oven proof dish
large frying pan for sealing

Step 1.
Open the pork loin, first i cut in the centre (3/4) way and then again on each side, open like a butterfly.

 Cut the green peppers into squares and lightly fry them in a tiny bit of olive oil, enough to soften them, and then lay them on top of the panchetta. 
 Carefully roll the meat and filling starting nearest to you. and then use a long piece of string to tie around, to help keep the roll together.
 Seal the roll on a hot pan with little drizzle of olive oil, all the way round until completed and leaving a golden brown caramelized on the outside.      Then place into the hot oven proof dish and place in the oven for an hour on 200c.

After it has an hour in the oven, remove and allow it to rest for at least 10 mins. And then carefully remove the string.

Finished, slice and enjoy. Serving suggestions to come including my deconstructed montadito.

One of my serving suggestons, enjoy!