Tuesday 4 June 2013

Serranito Roll...

 Serranitos are one of my favourite Tapas from Spain, it usually served in bread with a slice of pork loin, fried green pepper and a slice of Serrano ham. Some places add a slice of tomato as well.   I came up with this idea because I am on a diet and wanted to make it in a way that isn't so high in calories or fat but tastes just the same.

1 whole Pork loin
1 pkt of panchetta bacon
2-3 long green peppers
olive oil
Salt & pepper

you will need:
string suitable for cooking with
large oven proof dish
large frying pan for sealing

Step 1.
Open the pork loin, first i cut in the centre (3/4) way and then again on each side, open like a butterfly.

 Cut the green peppers into squares and lightly fry them in a tiny bit of olive oil, enough to soften them, and then lay them on top of the panchetta. 
 Carefully roll the meat and filling starting nearest to you. and then use a long piece of string to tie around, to help keep the roll together.
 Seal the roll on a hot pan with little drizzle of olive oil, all the way round until completed and leaving a golden brown caramelized on the outside.      Then place into the hot oven proof dish and place in the oven for an hour on 200c.

After it has an hour in the oven, remove and allow it to rest for at least 10 mins. And then carefully remove the string.

Finished, slice and enjoy. Serving suggestions to come including my deconstructed montadito.

One of my serving suggestons, enjoy!

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